#GivingTuesday Update: We raised $3,000!
Thanks to our generous donors, partners, and team here at Tuerk House, we are pleased to announce that our first ever Giving Tuesday effort raised
Thanks to our generous donors, partners, and team here at Tuerk House, we are pleased to announce that our first ever Giving Tuesday effort raised
©2024 Tuerk House | Sitemap
Employees, clients, and clients’ families may submit reports anonymously to: [email protected], 667-260-4314 or Tuerk House Compliance Officer; 730 Ashburton St, Baltimore, MD 21216
The public can also submit a complaint to The Joint Commission via The Joint Commission’s website: www.jointcommission.org. Scroll down to “Filing a Complaint.” The Joint Commission also has a complaint telephone number at (800) 994-6610 where you can speak to a Joint Commission representative.